Fellowships and Grants
CANIBD provides fellowships and grants in order to increase nurses’ access to learning opportunities and capacity to engage in research.
On an annual basis, CANIBD offers the following programs:
IBD Nurse Fellowship
The CANIBD IBD Nurse Fellowship provides an educational and mentoring opportunity to new or early career Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) nurses through a consistent, structured fellowship program in selected IBD Clinic locations across Canada.
Fellows participate in a one-week on-site preceptorship with an experienced IBD nurse. A second week at the Fellow's employment site may also be facilitated to allow for additional mentoring with the Preceptor.
Contingent on funding, Fellows and Preceptors receive up to $2,500 to participate in this program.
Program Eligibility
Nurses who are employed or have received a letter of offer for the role of IBD nurse or IBD/NP/RN/LPN/RPN in a hospital or clinical setting with a specific focus on IBD patients are encouraged to apply for the IBD Nurse Fellowship. Preference will be given to those who do not have access to other education opportunities through their clinic or institute.
Nurses with at least five to ten years of direct IBD nursing experience who can accommodate a Fellow in their work setting for one to two weeks are encouraged to apply as a Preceptor.
If you have questions about your eligibility, do not hesitate to reach out to the CANIBD Steering Committee at canibd@crohnsandcolitis.ca.
Application Process
Complete applications must be sent by email to canibd@crohnsandcolitis.ca to the attention of the CANIBD Steering Committee by Friday, July 12, 2024.
Fellow applicants must submit:
Preceptor applicants must submit:
See the forms below for full application details.
Forms for IBD Nurse Fellowship
IBD Nurse Fellowship Guidelines
IBD Nurse Fellowship Application Form
IBD Nurse Fellowship Participant Agreement
IBD Nurse Fellowship Call for Preceptors
Nursing-led IBD Research Grant
The 2024 Nursing-Led IBD Research Grant competition is open. The deadline to submit an application is Friday, August 30, 2024 at 5:00 pm EST.
This grant is intended to increase funding opportunities for nurses leading IBD research projects and enhance research skills within the IBD nursing community. Subject to the availability of funds, $15,000 is available each year to support two (2) small clinical research pilot project that will improve IBD patient care and quality of life.
Eligibility and Application Process
Any nurse, affiliated with a Canadian hospital or university, engaged in IBD research or care in Canada is an eligible principal applicant for this award. Principal applicants must register with the Crohn’s and Colitis Canada IBD Research Institute. There can be only one nurse listed as the Principal Investigator for each proposal.
The applicant institution must be a charitable institution such as a university, hospital or research organization. Applications will be assessed by Crohn’s and Colitis Canada staff for eligibility and reviewed by a nursing selection panel, comprised of a minimum of two CANIBD Steering Committee members without conflicts of interest. All panel decisions are final.
Interested applicants must complete the application form available below. If you encounter any difficulties while completing or submitting the application form, please contact canibd@crohnsandcolitis.ca.
Application Deadline
All applications must be received by 5:00 pm EST on Friday, August 30, 2024.
Please see the Grant Application Guidelines for full details on eligibility and selection procedures.
Notice of Award will be sent out to successful applicants by September 27, 2024.
Forms for Nursing-Led IBD Research Grant
Nursing-led IBD Research Grant Application Guidelines
Nursing-led IBD Research Grant Application Form

IBD Nursing Educational Travel Awards
These awards provide nurses with the opportunity to learn about new advancements in IBD research and care. They also enable nurses to take part in networking opportunities and share best practices with the intent of improving IBD patient care.
In 2024, CANIBD will be offering up to six (6) travel awards valued at up to $2,000 CAD. Funding support for these awards is generously provided by industry partners.
Eligibility and Application Process
Nurses engaged in IBD research or care in Canada are eligible to apply. Applicants must register with the Crohn’s and Colitis Canada IBD Research Institute.
All applications will be evaluated by Crohn’s and Colitis Canada staff for eligibility and reviewed by a nursing selection committee, comprised of a minimum of two CANIBD Steering Committee members without conflicts of interest. All panel decisions are final. Successful applicants may apply for the award once every two years. Unsuccessful applicants may reapply in subsequent competitions.
Preference will be given to those who have never received this award and to those who do not have access to other education opportunities through their clinic or institute.
Submitting Your Application
Applications should be made in the form of a one-page letter including a short description of:
- The conference or educational event the applicant is seeking funds to attend;
- How the award will benefit IBD patient care;
- How the applicant anticipates using the knowledge they acquire at this educational event;
- Whether the applicant has ever won this award previously; and
- A brief budget.
Completed applications should be emailed to canibd@crohnsandcolitis.ca before July 19, 2024.
Notice of Award will be sent out to successful applicants before August 9, 2024.
For Award Recipients
Award recipients are responsible for coordinating their own conference registration, transportation and accommodation.
To be reimbursed for up to $2,000 in eligible expenses, the recipient must submit the following after attending the conference and before December 31, 2024:
- A one-page summary report on their learnings;
- Evidence of conference attendance; and
- An expense claim form with original receipts.
Note: Eligible expenses include:
- Conference registration fees;
- Accommodations; and
- Transportation